Saturday, February 18, 2012

Castle Campbell - Dollar Glen - Scotland

   Castle Campbell is my favorite castle of all those visited in Ireland and Scotland.
For some reason I've been
thinking about Castle Campbell today. Perhaps, it's because our new place is on Campbell Avenue...Not sure.  Anyway, I thought I had posted these pictures back in 2009;
 but after looking in my archives, they were still in draft form...I never posted them.  
So, I'm posting them today. 

Love the yellow and blue sky in this photo.
 Yours Truly....enjoying the walk to Castle Campbell
Creek and Ferns - Beautiful!

 The town of Dollar in the background.

My favorite Castle...Castle Campbell in the town of 
Dollar Glenn, Scotland. 
Yes, the lovely Tea Room had facilities, and after
the hike, it was most welcome!

  Scotland 2009.



Brenda said...

Came over from Miss Jeans to let you know how sorry I am to hear about your Conner. I know how sad we will be when we do not have Ladybug anymore. So sorry...

Holly said...

Such breathtaking pictures of a beautiful place. Thank you for sharing and for stopping by my place. By the way, I love your name!!

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Yvonne, the photos are beautiful of the castle. I am also sending you heartfelt condolences about your little man, Conner. I know what it is like to lose a pet and one that is such a joy and part of the family.

Big hugs to you and your family....
Conner will forever be etched in your heart.

God Bless you,