Today when I got in my car to drive into Modesto the temperature gage stated it was 123 degrees! Oh my gosh, that was hot! By the time I got to my appointment downtown it had cooled off to a low 103 and then back up to 108 driving home. It was hot enough to cook eggs on the pavement. One thing I do know is everything in my yard is melting. The hydrangeas are having a difficult time with this heat wave and weeds are everywhere. My hanging baskets are drying out and I'm having to give them extra water a couple of times a day. Plus, weeds just seem to love this heat and they are everywhere. On the brighter side of things it's perfect for growing pumpkins. I drove past a pumpkin field on my way home and spotted my very first glimpse of a 2008 pumpkin! YES...it was so beautiful, still green and popping up over of the leaves. It sort of looked like it had just come out of hidding and was turning a greenish yellow. It made my day.
Quote for the Day:
"Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got a hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations". - George Bernard Shaw
Welcome to blogging and hello to Conner and Buddy! I read about your blog from Miss Jean. Is your Scotty just a doll too. I can see why Maggie wants to come and meet him. LOL!
I cannot imagine that heat and am glad we are already seeing signs of autumn in my area.
Hugs ~
Heidi (CelebrateTheSeasons)
I moved to Oklahoma, from northwest Indiana, in May. I am used to growing and having fresh herbs of just about every variety. I planted the very same herbs I plant every year in terra cotta pots right after I got here. Within two weeks, I had brown scraggely dead plants. Ugh! I will need to learn to adapt to the sun and heat here before next year. I am with you, bring on the frost.
Welcome to the blogosphere, and thank you for the kind words about my cake. I love decorating cakes and cupcakes, and my daughter has not complained.
Welcome to Buddy, and Conner! I am a Scottie girl. Feel free to browse my blog for Baxter's adventures. He is my Scottie boy.
Fall is my FAVORITE season too! Lucky you to see the first pumpkin! Have a great day and stay cool!
Fall is my FAVORITE season too! Lucky you to see the first pumpkin! Have a great day and stay cool!
I think the heat has bothered me more this year than in the past. Just when you get your garden looking nice, BAM! Here comes the heat. And what about that wind? Maggie's idea of getting cool is running through the sprinklers and tracking mud through the house!
I just came over from Jean's to say hi and welcome to the world of blogging. You'll make lots of new friends!
It's been real hot here too (I live in the SF Bay area) Stop in and say hi anytime!!
Hello and welcome to this wonderful blogging life! Your babies are just too cute! Jean told me about you and I live right down the road from you, too. Well, a bit further than Jean...but keep driving south and you will hit our town.
We have a little Scotty, Duhgall, Maggie's half brother.
Have fun blogging and hopefully I will get to meet you someday.
Becky, Duhgall and Miss Kitty
I came over from Miss Jean. How funny..I live in Modesto. I love your pumpkin patch. You'll have to send me an email so I can come out an buy some...LOL!
Can you believe it...Hot one day 104..cool 89 degrees the next! I have to say...I thank God for not having to turn on the A/C for a few days...LOL!
Welcome to blogging! I also read about your blog from Miss Jean. What a cute dog! I will be back to visit again some time soon. Carol
Miss Jean suggested a visit to your new page so here I am! Welcome to the blog world- I am brand new to this as well-I started about two months ago. I also have two scotties- Abby & Murdoch. I'll add you to my google reader & be sure to check back.
Hi! Nice to meet you and welcome to blogging...I hope you love it as much as I do.
Your little friends are so cute. I live up the road a bit from you and it's hot, hot, hot here too. I hope our paths cross someday...hugs, Linda
p.s.Oh, I should tell you I found you after visiting sweet Jean's blog and I'll be back.
Welcome to the blogosphere!
Love your sweet Scottie, and his name. I have a Scott also, Biddy.
Is it really that hot in NC? Ouch!
Best wishes, and have a great week end!
I saw my first pumpkin patch yesterday. Fall is my favorite season too. Would you like to come along on a tour of cider mills and apple orchards? Do you have any in your area you would like to post? We would love to hear from you.
Wow! I thought it was hot in Tennessee with 90 degree weather!!
Welcome to blogging....I just happened to find your blog (Thank you, Miss Jean!), and I look forward to visiting again very soon!
Since it's not HOT any longer, maybe you'll feel more like blogging?! LOL! Hey, happy New Year to you and my much older brother in law! Oh, funny thing--he'll get a kick out of it! We had dinner tonight with Kath and got to talking about the ages of her two older brothers, and the brother I'm married to swore up and down that the two of them were each a year younger than they are--until I made him do the math! All I can say is that it's a good thing I'm only 39 and still able to remember their ages!
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