These pictures were taken last week on our way to Lake Tahoe. We stopped and put our fishing pools in the water and just relaxed. The sky was so beautiful....I just had to take pictures. What a gorgeous place and so close to home.
The area is a total of 860 acres. The vegetation surrounding Red Lake is characteristic of red-fir and lodgepole-fir forest. Open slopes are dominated by sagebrush with bitterbrush and serviceberry. Forestdale Creek and the other drainages around Red Lake are lined with willows and aspen groves. Common wildlife species include deer, coyote, jackrabbit, quail, flicker, warblers, red-tailed hawk, golden eagle, golden-mantled ground squirrel, marmot and beaver.
Hope you enjoyed these pictures.
When I enlarged these pictures, I was just so enthralled. The scenery is spectacular! I'm definitely missing California's beauty....
hugs, Sue
WOW is that ever pretty!! Can you ride horses there?
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