Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Wallace Monument - Braveheart

The film won numerous Academy Awards back in 1995, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Makeup, and Best Sound Editing. It's also one of my favorite movies. It generated a huge interest in Scotland and in Scottish history, not only around the world, but also in Scotland itself. Fans come from all over the world to see the places in Scotland where William Wallace fought for Scottish freedom. And here we were...at the home of "Braveheart."

"Over 700 years ago tyranny and terror were the tools being used by England to rule Scotland. Occupied and oppressed, the Scottish nation sought a hero to challenge the cruelty of King Edward I. Someone to take the campaign for freedom into battle, and on to victory. When the two countries faced each other at the Battle of Stirling Bride in 1296, Scotland was led to victory by a figure destined to become a national hero - William Wallace."


I took the above picture from the top of Stirling Castle, not aware at the time what the large structure in the distance was all about. I learned later it was the Wallace Monument the home of Braveheart. If you look closely, you will also see the Stirling Bridge at the bottom.

The National Wallace Monument - proudly standing on the Abbey Craig,
overlooking the city of Stirling.

The National Wallace Monument -
Enlarge the photo and look for Sir Wallace's statue on bottom right.

These pictures were taken on June 11, 2009 - - Day eleven of our vacation.

I love Scotland.

Hello and welcome to Outdoor Wednesday hosted by Susan at A Southern Daydreamer. Please visit her blog for a complete list of participants



Hootin Anni said...

Super EXCELLENT post for today!!!

My Outdoor Wednesday is flowers with a 'passion'. Come over if you can find time. I'd love your company today.

And, hope the day treats you well!!!

susan said...

How lucky you are! This is breathtaking! I know I would love seeing Scotland and I love history. I think my husband watches the movie everytime he finds it on tv. Thanks for sharing part of your trip!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Oh, YES, Munzie! I love Scotland, too! I posted about my love of plaid on Monday. Today, I posted the beach. BUT I've been to Scotland and LOVE it. Wish I could go back. Thanks for these shots.

Happy OW...


Sheila :-)

The Quintessential Magpie said...

PS... Oh, and Bravehart is one of my favorite movies!


Sheila :-)

Barb said...

Hi Mumzie, awesome pictures of the countryside. I have never seen the movie. Happy Outdoor Wednesday.


Fifi Flowers said...

I want a castle!

Mary Bergfeld said...

What wonderful pictures. Your love of Scotland shines through in them.

Regina said...

Beautiful monument. I love the Braveheart movie.

Great post and shots.
Happy outdoor.

Sue said...

This is beautiful scenery, Mumzie. You must've been thoroughly enchanted with Scotland! hugs, Sue

Prospero said...

I've never been to Scotland, but it looks fascinating. I love the grandpupsters in your sidebar. Also, just below, I recognize your Aloe variegata.

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Hi Mumzie!

Loved this post.....someday I'm going to get to Scotland....and England. It's been my dream for soooo long.....

And now, let me be the first to tell you Happy Birthday! Oh my, we're sure close, aren't we? :-) This is about as close as we can get to the end of the 50's.....I don't know about that 60 thing! :-) Have a wonderful day... God bless you!


FA said...

Braveheart is one of my favorite movies. I am happy to see this picture of the Wallace Monument. I hope to get to Scotland someday. Thanks for visiting Monastery Daily Photo.

The Green Pea said...

The pictures are just beautiful, I would love to see Scotland. Thank you for sharing. Sandi

gina said...

Hi I am planning a trip to Scotland. My clan castle is Eilean Donan. The McRae clan. I can't wait to see Scotland. thanks for the great pics to see.

Anonymous said...

Amazing movie....

download here